Wednesday, November 30, 2022

En Suite


“En suite” is a French term that translates as “following” or “afterward.” Though the phrase was taken from French, the meaning in English has changed and moved away from the original French word translation.

In the world of real estate, an en suite is used to describe a bedroom to which a bathroom is directly adjoined. So a bedroom with a bath is an en suite. An en suite without a window cannot be considered a bedroom.

If a home has two bathrooms on the same floor, one bathroom will likely be an en suite.

This shouldn’t be confused with a bathroom that is accessible from two bedrooms. That type of room is often referred to as a Jack and Jill bathroom, shared between two bedrooms. 

En suites are most commonly attached to the master bedroom of a home.


Excited Delirium Syndrome

The term "excited delirium" (ExDS) was first used in a 1985 Journal of Forensic Sciences article, co-authored by deputy chief medical examiner for Dade County, Florida. Charles Victor Wetli (1943—2020), entitled Cocaine-induced psychosis and sudden death in recreational cocaine users. The JFS article reported that in "five of the seven" cases they studied, deaths occurred while in police custody. Wetli determined that nineteen women, all Black prostitutes, had died of the condition due to "sexual excitement" while under the influence of cocaine. In 1992, police announced they had found a serial killer responsible for deaths determined by Wetli to be excited delirium. The legitimacy of the condition has since been under controversy with most of the medical community not recognizing it, and there is no official entry for it in the official Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Medical Disorders.

The supposed risk factors vary including "bizarre behavior generating phone calls to police", "failure to respond to police presence", and "continued struggle despite restraint". It supposedly endows individuals with "superhuman strength" and being "impervious to pain." 

In 1849, a superficially similar condition was described by Luther Bell as "Bell's mania". Bell was one of thirteen other mental hospital superintendents who met in Philadelphia in 1844 to organize the Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane (AMSAII), now the American Psychiatric Association.

Excited delirium (ExDS), also known as agitated delirium (AgDS), is a controversial diagnosis sometimes characterized as a potentially fatal state of extreme agitation and delirium. It is typically diagnosed postmortem in young adult males, disproportionally Black men, who were physically restrained at the time of death, most often by law enforcement personnel. Symptoms are said to include aggressive behavior, extreme physical strength and hyperthermia.


Variations of "On Top of Old Smokey"



On top of Old Smokey  
All covered with snow,  
I lost my true lover  
For courting too slow.  

Now, courting is a pleasure  
And parting is grief,  
And a false-hearted lover  
Is worse than a thief.  

A thief will just rob you  
And take what you have,  
But a false-hearted lover  
Will lead you to the grave.  

And the grave will decay you  
And turn you to dust;  
Not one girl in a hundred  
A poor boy can trust.  

They'll hug you and kiss you  
And tell you more lies  
Than the crossties on the railroad  
Or stars in the sky.  

So, caome all you young maidens  
And listen to me,  
Never place your affection  
On a green willow tree.  

For the leaves they will wither,  
And the roots they will die,  
You'll all be forsaken  
And never know why.  

On top of Old Smokey  
All covered with snow,  
I lost my true lover  
For courting too slow.  

On top of Old Smokey, 
All covered with sand, 
I shot my school teacher, 
With an old rubber band. 

I shot her with pleasure, 
I shot her with pride, 
For I couldn't miss her, 
She was forty feet wide. 

She run out and catched me, 
Throwed me 'cross her knee, 
But in the seat of my britches, 
I had my old Geography. 

She reached for her ruler, 
And took a swipe at me, 
She missed old Kentucky, 
But she hit Tennessee.  

On top of Old Smokey 
All covered with dirt, 
I lost my suspenders 
My socks and my shirt. 

I lost my umbrella. 
I lost my pet frog. 
My food in my lunch box, 
Got ate by a dog. 

I lost my left sneaker, 
My hat and my comb. 
I lost my new toothbrush. 
I lost my way home. 

I found my way home, then 
I did sure enough. 
And I found my mommy 
With all of my stuff 
Yes I did (with all of my stuff!)  

On top of my pizza 
All covered with sauce 
Could not find the mushrooms 
I think they got lost. 

I looked in the closet 
I looked in the sink 
I looked in the cup that 
Held my cola drink. 

I looked in the saucepan 
Right under the lid 
No matter where I looked 
Those mushrooms stayed hid. 

Next time you make pizza 
I'm begging you, please 
Do not give me mushrooms 
But just plain old cheese. 

On top of spaghetti, 
All covered with cheese,
I lost my poor meatball, 
When somebody sneezed.

It rolled off the table,
And on to the floor,
And then my poor meatball,
Rolled out of the door.

It rolled in the garden,
And under a bush,
And then my poor meatball,
Was nothing but mush.

The mush was as tasty
As tasty could be,
And then the next summer, 
It grew into a tree.

The tree was all covered,
All covered with moss,
And on it grew meatballs,
And tomato sauce.

So if you eat spaghetti,
All covered with cheese,
Hold on to your meatball,
Whenever you sneeze.



Reduplicative babbling in child language acquisition

At 25–50 weeks after birth, typically developing infants go through a stage of reduplicated or canonical babbling. Canonical babbling is characterized by repetition of identical or nearly identical consonant-vowel combinations, such as nanana or idididi. It appears as a progression of language development as infants experiment with their vocal apparatus and home in on the sounds used in their native language. Canonical/reduplicated babbling also appears at a time when general rhythmic behavior, such as rhythmic hand movements and rhythmic kicking, appear. Canonical babbling is distinguished from earlier syllabic and vocal play, which has less structure.

Get babies to babble.



After the Funeral

When you told me you needed a drink-drink
and not just a drink like a drink of water,
I steered you by the elbow into a corner bar,
which turned out to be a real bar-bar,
dim and nearly empty with little tables in the back
where we drank and agreed that the funeral
was a real funeral-funeral complete with a Mass,
incense, and tons of eulogies.
You know, I always considered Tom a real
friend-friend, you said, lifting your drink-drink
to your lips, and I agreed that Tom
was much more than just an ordinary friend.
We also concurred that Angela’s black dress
was elegant but not like elegant-elegant,
just elegant enough. And a few hours later
when the bartender brought yet another round
of whiskeys to our table in the corner
we recognized by his apron and his mighty girth
that he was more than just a bartender.
A true bartender-bartender was what he was
we decided, with a respectful clink-clink
of our drink-drinks, amber in a chink of afternoon light.

--Billy Collins, After the Funeral

This poem is a good example of reduplication at work. There are many forms of reduplication. The form above is contrastive focus republication.


Hiroshi H. Miyamura ((October 6, 1925 – November 29, 2022) --- age 97

Hiroshi Hershey Miyamura (October 6, 1925 – November 29, 2022) was a United States Army soldier and a recipient of the Medal of Hono, the United States military's highest award for valor, for his actions during the Korean War. He was one of the last two surviving Medal of Honor recipients of the Korean War, along with Ralph Puckett Jr. While he was held as a prisoner of war, the award was classified as top secret.

Hiroshi Hershey Miyamura was born in Gallup, New Mexico, to Yaichi Miyamura (June 3, 1888 – December 23, 1965) and Tori Matsukawa (December 10, 1896 – August 20, 1936), Japanese immigrant parents, making him a Nisei, a second-generation Japanese American. His parents had moved there in 1923 and bought a 24-hour diner. He was the fourth of nine children. His mother died when he was 11. He got the nickname "Hershey" because one of his teachers could not pronounce his first name correctly.

Rest of bio here.


Monday, November 28, 2022

A clothes-wearing man...

First, touching Dandies, let us consider, with some scientific strictness, what a Dandy specially is. A Dandy is a Clothes-wearing Man, a Man whose trade, office and existence consists in the wearing of Clothes. Every faculty of his soul, spirit, purse and person is heroically consecrated to this one object, the wearing of Clothes wisely and well: so that as others dress to live, he lives to dress. The all-importance of Clothes, which a German Professor, of unequalled learning and acumen, writes his enormous Volume to demonstrate, has sprung up in the intellect of the Dandy without effort, like an instinct of genius; he is inspired with Cloth, a Poet of Cloth. What Teufelsdrockh would call a "Divine Idea of Cloth" is born with him; and this, like other such Ideas, will express itself outwardly, or wring his heart asunder with unutterable throes.

But, like a generous, creative enthusiast, he fearlessly makes his Idea an Action; shows himself in peculiar guise to mankind; walks forth, a witness and living Martyr to the eternal worth of Clothes. We called him a Poet: is not his body the (stuffed) parchment-skin whereon he writes, with cunning Huddersfield dyes, a Sonnet to his mistress' eyebrow? Say, rather, an Epos, and Clotha Virumque cano, to the whole world, in Macaronic verses, which he that runs may read. Nay, if you grant, what seems to be admissible, that the Dandy has a Thinking-principle in him, and some notions of Time and Space, is there not in this life-devotedness to Cloth, in this so willing sacrifice of the Immortal to the Perishable, something (though in reverse order) of that blending and identification of Eternity with Time, which, as we have seen, constitutes the Prophetic character?

And now, for all this perennial Martyrdom, and Poesy, and even Prophecy, what is it that the Dandy asks in return? Solely, we may say, that you would recognize his existence; would admit him to be a living object; or even failing this, a visual object, or thing that will reflect rays of light. Your silver or your gold (beyond what the niggardly Law has already secured him) he solicits not; simply the glance of your eyes. Understand his mystic significance, or altogether miss and misinterpret it; do but look at him, and he is contented. May we not well cry shame on an ungrateful world, which refuses even this poor boon; which will waste its optic faculty on dried Crocodiles, and Siamese Twins; and over the domestic wonderful wonder of wonders, a live Dandy, glance with hasty indifference, and a scarcely concealed contempt! Him no Zoologist classes among the Mammalia, no Anatomist dissects with care: when did we see any injected Preparation of the Dandy in our Museums; any specimen of him preserved in spirits! Lord Herringbone may dress himself in a snuff-brown suit, with snuff-brown shirt and shoes: it skills not; the undiscerning public, occupied with grosser wants, passes by regardless on the other side.

The age of Curiosity, like that of Chivalry, is indeed, properly speaking, gone. Yet perhaps only gone to sleep: for here arises the Clothes-Philosophy to resuscitate, strangely enough, both the one and the other! Should sound views of this Science come to prevail, the essential nature of the British Dandy, and the mystic significance that lies in him, cannot always remain hidden under laughable and lamentable hallucination. The following long Extract from Professor Teufelsdrockh may set the matter, if not in its true light, yet in the way towards such. It is to be regretted, however, that here, as so often elsewhere, the Professor's keen philosophic perspicacity is somewhat marred by a certain mixture of almost owlish purblindness, or else of some perverse, ineffectual, ironic tendency; our readers shall judge which:—

"In these distracted times," writes he, "when the Religious Principle, driven out of most Churches, either lies unseen in the hearts of good men, looking and longing and silently working there towards some new Revelation; or else wanders homeless over the world, like a disembodied soul seeking its terrestrial organization,—into how many strange shapes, of Superstition and Fanaticism, does it not tentatively and errantly cast itself! The higher Enthusiasm of man's nature is for the while without Exponent; yet does it continue indestructible, unweariedly active, and work blindly in the great chaotic deep: thus Sect after Sect, and Church after Church, bodies itself forth, and melts again into new metamorphosis.

"Chiefly is this observable in England, which, as the wealthiest and worst-instructed of European nations, offers precisely the elements (of Heat, namely, and of Darkness), in which such moon-calves and monstrosities are best generated. Among the newer Sects of that country, one of the most notable, and closely connected with our present subject, is that of the Dandies; concerning which, what little information I have been able to procure may fitly stand here.

"It is true, certain of the English Journalists, men generally without sense for the Religious Principle, or judgment for its manifestations, speak, in their brief enigmatic notices, as if this were perhaps rather a Secular Sect, and not a Religious one; nevertheless, to the psychologic eye its devotional and even sacrificial character plainly enough reveals itself. Whether it belongs to the class of Fetish-worships, or of Hero-worships or Polytheisms, or to what other class, may in the present state of our intelligence remain undecided (schweben). A certain touch of Manicheism, not indeed in the Gnostic shape, is discernible enough; also (for human Error walks in a cycle, and reappears at intervals) a not-inconsiderable resemblance to that Superstition of the Athos Monks, who by fasting from all nourishment, and looking intensely for a length of time into their own navels, came to discern therein the true Apocalypse of Nature, and Heaven Unveiled. To my own surmise, it appears as if this Dandiacal Sect were but a new modification, adapted to the new time, of that primeval Superstition, Self-worship; which Zerdusht, Quangfoutchee, Mahomet, and others, strove rather to subordinate and restrain than to eradicate; and which only in the purer forms of Religion has been altogether rejected. Wherefore, if any one chooses to name it revived Ahrimanism, or a new figure of Demon-Worship, I have, so far as is yet visible, no objection.

"For the rest, these people, animated with the zeal of a new Sect, display courage and perseverance, and what force there is in man's nature, though never so enslaved. They affect great purity and separatism; distinguish themselves by a particular costume (whereof some notices were given in the earlier part of this Volume); likewise, so far as possible, by a particular speech (apparently some broken Lingua-franca, or English-French); and, on the whole, strive to maintain a true Nazarene deportment, and keep themselves unspotted from the world.

"They have their Temples, whereof the chief, as the Jewish Temple did, stands in their metropolis; and is named Almack's, a word of uncertain etymology. They worship principally by night; and have their High-priests and High-priestesses, who, however, do not continue for life. The rites, by some supposed to be of the Menadic sort, or perhaps with an Eleusinian or Cabiric character, are held strictly secret. Nor are Sacred Books wanting to the Sect; these they call Fashionable Novels: however, the Canon is not completed, and some are canonical and others not.

"Of such Sacred Books I, not without expense, procured myself some samples; and in hope of true insight, and with the zeal which beseems an Inquirer into Clothes, set to interpret and study them. But wholly to no purpose: that tough faculty of reading, for which the world will not refuse me credit, was here for the first time foiled and set at naught. In vain that I summoned my whole energies (mich weidlich anstrengte), and did my very utmost; at the end of some short space, I was uniformly seized with not so much what I can call a drumming in my ears, as a kind of infinite, unsufferable, Jew's-harping and scrannel-piping there; to which the frightfullest species of Magnetic Sleep soon supervened. And if I strove to shake this away, and absolutely would not yield, there came a hitherto unfelt sensation, as of Delirium Tremens, and a melting into total deliquium: till at last, by order of the Doctor, dreading ruin to my whole intellectual and bodily faculties, and a general breaking up of the constitution, I reluctantly but determinedly forbore. Was there some miracle at work here; like those Fire-balls, and supernal and infernal prodigies, which, in the case of the Jewish Mysteries, have also more than once scared back the Alien? Be this as it may, such failure on my part, after best efforts, must excuse the imperfection of this sketch; altogether incomplete, yet the completest I could give of a Sect too singular to be omitted.

"Loving my own life and senses as I do, no power shall induce me, as a private individual, to open another Fashionable Novel. But luckily, in this dilemma, comes a hand from the clouds; whereby if not victory, deliverance is held out to me. Round one of those Book-packages, which the Stillschweigen'sche Buchhandlung is in the habit of importing from England, come, as is usual, various waste printed-sheets (Maculatur-blatter), by way of interior wrappage: into these the Clothes-Philosopher, with a certain Mahometan reverence even for waste-paper, where curious knowledge will sometimes hover, disdains not to cast his eye. Readers may judge of his astonishment when on such a defaced stray-sheet, probably the outcast fraction of some English Periodical, such as they name Magazine, appears something like a Dissertation on this very subject of Fashionable Novels! It sets out, indeed, chiefly from a Secular point of view; directing itself, not without asperity, against some to me unknown individual named Pelham, who seems to be a Mystagogue, and leading Teacher and Preacher of the Sect; so that, what indeed otherwise was not to be expected in such a fugitive fragmentary sheet, the true secret, the Religious physiognomy and physiology of the Dandiacal Body, is nowise laid fully open there. Nevertheless, scattered lights do from time to time sparkle out, whereby I have endeavored to profit. Nay, in one passage selected from the Prophecies, or Mythic Theogonies, or whatever they are (for the style seems very mixed) of this Mystagogue, I find what appears to be a Confession of Faith, or Whole Duty of Man, according to the tenets of that Sect. Which Confession or Whole Duty, therefore, as proceeding from a source so authentic, I shall here arrange under Seven distinct Articles, and in very abridged shape lay before the German world; therewith taking leave of this matter. Observe also, that to avoid possibility of error, I, as far as may be, quote literally from the Original:—


'1. Coats should have nothing of the triangle about them; at the same time, wrinkles behind should be carefully avoided.

'2. The collar is a very important point: it should be low behind, and slightly rolled.

'3. No license of fashion can allow a man of delicate taste to adopt the posterial luxuriance of a Hottentot.

'4. There is safety in a swallow-tail.

'5. The good sense of a gentleman is nowhere more finely developed than in his rings.

'6. It is permitted to mankind, under certain restrictions, to wear white waistcoats.

'7. The trousers must be exceedingly tight across the hips.'



Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Silver Snoopy Award

 Silver Snoopy award is a special honor awarded to NASA employees and contractors for outstanding achievements related to human flight safety or mission success. The award certificate states that it is "In Appreciation" "For professionalism, dedication and outstanding support that greatly enhanced space flight safety and mission success." The award depicts Snoopy, a character from the Peanuts comic strip created by Charles M. Schulz.

The award is given personally by NASA astronauts as it represents the astronauts' own recognition of excellence. It is presented at the workplace of the recipient with the recipient's coworkers present. The Silver Snoopy award is one of several awards overseen by the Space Flight Awareness (SFA) program at NASA.

The award consists of a sterling silver "Silver Snoopy" lapel pin flown during a NASA mission, a commendation letter (stating the mission the Silver Snoopy pin was flown on) and a signed, framed Silver Snoopy certificate. Snoopy decals and posters are also given to the recipient.

-----Silver Snoopy Award

Silver Snoopy Award
Credits: NASA

Of all the SFA Awards, the Silver Snoopy best symbolizes the intent and spirit of Space Flight Awareness. An astronaut always presents the Silver Snoopy because it is the astronauts' own award for outstanding performance, contributing to flight safety and mission success. Fewer than 1 percent of the aerospace program workforce receive it annually, making it a special honor to receive this award.

The award is a sterling silver Snoopy lapel pin that has flown in space, plus a certificate of appreciation and commendation letter for the employee, both signed by the astronaut.


Employees must have significantly contributed to the human space flight program to ensure flight safety and mission success. Potential awardees must meet two or more of the following criteria:

  1. Significantly contributing beyond their normal work requirements.
  2. Performing a single specific achievement which contributed towards attaining a particular program goal.
  3. Contributing to one or more major cost saving/cost avoidance.
  4. Instrumental in developing program modifications that increase quality, reliability, safety, efficiency, or performance.
  5. Developing or assisting with an operational improvement that increases efficiency and performance.
  6. Developing a process improvement of significant magnitude.

Note:  Except in rare cases, the Silver Snoopy award is not intended for supervisors at GS-14 and above, as well as equivalent levels within industry, which would be second level and above.  Please note that part-time employees are not eligible to receive this award.


The award consists of:

(1) A Silver Snoopy pin that has been flown in space.
(2) The commendation letter (stating when the Snoopy was flown).
(3) Signed SFA Silver Snoopy Award certificate.


If you have any questions or have lost your Silver Snoopy Award Pin, please contact your Space Flight Awareness Center or Contract Representative.

You will need to send a copy or image of your award certificate, along with any paperwork that confirms that award. All inquiries will be checked against the awards database and the center's files.

1. Did Schulz sign a bunch of certificates prior to his death?

2. Receiving decals and posters along with a pin sounds pretty cheesy.

3. I know this award is no doubt prestigious, but the whole Snoopy thing, just seems odd.

4. "If you've lost your Snoopy pin"... does the Congressional Medal of Honor have the same replacement offer? What if you've lost your Snoopy Award certificate as well?


Cats living their best life


When snakes with the wrong cat


Monday, November 21, 2022

Various uses for Vick's VapoRub

May help to heal sores on pets. (Dogs don't particularly like the smell, though.)

May help with stretch marks

Helps to heal sore, injured feet

Snails hate it.

 More uses here.

For babies 3 months +. BabyRub formula is non-medicated and specially formulated for babies. It contains petrolatum and aloe to leave a baby's skin feeling soft and comfortable. Vicks BabyRub contains the aromatic fragrances of eucalyptus, rosemary and lavender. 


Thirteen-year-old boy builds his own house

Read about his story here.


Glass eels confiscated

 Kaohsiung, Nov. 18 (CNA) Authorities at Kaohsiung airport recently seized over 60,000 live young eels that two Taiwanese travelers were attempting to smuggle out of the country, police said Friday.

The 66,120 glass eels were in the luggage of the travelers, surnamed Yang (楊) and Hung (洪), who were booked on a flight to Hong Kong on Nov. 16, the Kaohsiung precinct of the Aviation Police Bureau said in a press release Friday.

The ray-finned eels were packed in 12 sealed plastic bags that contained water, and there were about 2,755 eels in each bag, which were found by inspectors when suspicious images showed up on the luggage scanners, the airport police said.

According to the police, glass eels, dubbed "white gold," can only be found in the wild during a short harvest period in Taiwan, and the 66,120 that the two travelers were attempting to smuggle out of the country had a market value of around NT$2.64 million (US$84,797).

Since 2007, export of the eels has been banned during the harvest season -- Nov. 1 to March 31 the following year -- to protect Taiwan's fishery resources amid declining stocks, the aviation police bureau said.

Following the confiscation of the 66,120 eels on Wednesday, the case has been handed over to the Fisheries Agency for further investigation, the bureau said.

In the life cycle of the glass eels, they migrate from the ocean to the rivers as larvae and are transparent in appearance when they enter the estuaries. They later start to pigment and become elvers, at which point they move upstream and grow into adults that have a yellowish-white belly.


Sunday, November 20, 2022


 yawn is a reflex consisting of the simultaneous inhalation of air and the stretching of the eardrums, followed by an exhalation of breath. Many animal species, including birds and fish, experience yawning. The study of yawning is called chasmology. Yawning (oscitation) most often occurs in adults immediately before and after sleep, during tedious activities and as a result of its contagious quality.


GoComics survey

GoComics recently sent a survey to some (or perhaps all) of their Premium subscribers.

One my (bestest!) readers shared the questions he was asked by GoComics. If you felt left out of the survey, feel free to answer their questions and post them on my "Frog Applause" page (or another creator's page). Or send them to my email address. I'll post your answers here, if you prefer. Please. No need to mention "Frog Applause" or me. Seriously. 


How interested are you in discovering new comics?

How often do you share comic strips with friends or family?

How often do you engage or add a comment to a comic on

How easy is it to find the comic you are looking for?

How easy is it to read comics on

How many comics do you read daily?

What do you love most about


Saturday, November 19, 2022



Thursday, November 17, 2022

Few facts

In demographics, the world population is the total number of human beings currently living. It was estimated to have exceeded 8 billion in November 2022. It took over two hundred thousand years of human prehistory and history for the human population to reach one billion and only 219 years more to grow to 8 billion.

An Iowa Supermarket employee went missing in 2009 while at work, only to have his decomposed body discovered in a gap between a freezer and a wall 10 years later in 2019.

There's a condition called, "encopresis" wherein the sufferer loses control of their bowels after holding in their stool as long as they can first.

There are only 4,562 names that are approved in Iceland (~2,391 female, ~2,171 male). Any other names have to be approved by the Icelandic Naming Committee.

Does anyone else find these division lines annoying? I'm doing an experiment to find out how many Frog Blog readers I can drive crazy.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Robert Clary — RIP (age 96)

Robert Clary (born Robert Max Widerman; March 1, 1926 – November 16, 2022) was a French–born American actor. He is best known for his role in the television sitcom Hogan's Heroes as Corporal Louis LeBeau (1965 to 1971).


Monday, November 14, 2022

New to GoComics

Bob the Angry Flower

I'm unfamiliar with this comic, but it is new to GoComics... and sadly has 0 followers as of 7pm CST on November 14, 2022. I don't know if it is worthy of admiration yet, but it certainly deserves a chance. It appears to be a weekly strip. It's apparently been around for quite a while--just not on GoComics. I plan to welcome the creator. It seems like the lame thing to do. 


Sunday, November 13, 2022



Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Esso Blue

Esso Blue was the brand name of Esso's paraffin oil (kerosene) for domestic heaters in countries such as the United Kingdom. Their television advertising song from the 1950s, through to the 1970s, was the famous "Bom, Bom, Bom, Bom, Esso Blue!"

One campaign used the well-known song tune of "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" reworded as: "They asked me how I knew, it was Esso Blue, I of course replied, with lower grades one buys, smoke gets in your eyes. The non-smoking paraffin". The track was released as a flexi disk which was given away free in hardware stores.


Baby celebrity photos

Clark Gable Gary Cooper John Wayne Humphrey Bogart Gregory Peck Cary Grant Jimmy Stewart #FB00908