Ann Turner Cook (November 20, 1926 - June 3, 2022) Ann Turner Cook was an American mystery novelist. She was also the model for the familiar Gerber Baby artwork seen on baby food packages of the Gerber Products Company. Cook is the daughter of a syndicated cartoonist Leslie Turner, who drew the comic strip Captain Easy for decades. Their neighbor was the artist Dorothy Hope Smith, who did a charcoal drawing of Ann when she was a baby. In 1928, when Gerber announced it was looking for baby images for its upcoming line of baby food, Smith's drawing was submitted and subsequently chosen. It was trademarked in 1931. The drawing of Ann Turner Cook has been used on virtually all Gerber baby food packaging since. #FB00404 |
Saturday, June 4, 2022
Gerber baby dies (age 95)
Target practice mother
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