Thursday, June 2, 2022

Thank you...

Thank you for sticking by me, my dear friends. I didn't want to keep sharing my computer woes, so I've kept quiet. Good news. I think my problems have turned the corner. I am overwhelmed by your support and generous offers. One reader even offered to buy me a complete set-up (new computer, etc.) I could NEVER accept such a gift. I am grateful, but my troubles aren't monetary, just bad luck.

I hope to be back on track in short order. As for the blog, I owe my readers a month or more.

A little bad news during my computer-related hiatus. I lost 30 subscribers/readers during that period. I went from 31, 280 to 31, 250. 

How can I get them back? Some readers can be so fickle. Then again, I disappointed them with my random updates. Disappoint a reader once, they might be forgiving. Disappoint a reader twice, they pack their bags and move on to greener pasturized milk.


Target practice mother
