Saturday, June 10, 2023

It's more will than skill to become a successful cartoonist like...

Sheesh. Don't think it's me... 

Find out who here.

Catchy headline, eh? How about some suggestions for a rhyming (madeupical) headline using, perhaps, the word "lame." 

Come up with a nifty headline and the first paragraph or so of a story about "Frog Applause." I'll post the lamest posts below! (Email me your creative musings at the usual email or post on GoComics...) If your comment gets flagged, better email it. If you don't know the usual LLL email, you can always write to roguebrain @ aol dot com (an address set up by "Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputrto help me filter potential stalkerly types.) Thanks, G!


From the talented Randy B. Is there any limit to your lameness! Love it.

Caterpillar fungus

Ophiocordyceps sinensis, known colloquially as caterpillar fungus, is an entomopathogenic fungus (a fungus that grows on insects) in the fam...