Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Who reads "Frog Applause"?

I've often wondered where my "Frog Applause" readers live.  I've seen my FA demographics a few times (the same ones that GoComics sees and not the pared-down demographics given to creators). Anyway, I know from seeing the big picture that FA has readers from around the world... and not just a few countries, but dozens. Something else I've wondered is... who reads FA?

I'm lucky that I know my core readership; people who read and comment on GoComics every day or most days. I'm okay with lurkers, too. I know they're out there, even if they prefer not to comment. 

Last month, I found out that Diana Gabaldon, author of the "Outlander" series reads "Frog Applause." Imagine... someone who has a blue checkmark after their name reading my little lame comic. Should I be flattered or wonder about Diana's sanity? If someone like Diana Gabaldon reads FA, who else does? Contact me if you do, otherwise I'll consider this a big fluke!


Something I found out that we have in common-- I have a lot of parakeets, too. For those who remember my aviary disaster from last year, my flock is slowly coming back. I just introduced two of my four "newborns" (parakeets can fly at 6 weeks) to my free-flying, uncaged birds and I have eight eggs currently being sat on in several nesting boxes in various stages of hatching. Don't get me started... I can talk endlessly about my birds.


Target practice mother
