Monday, May 17, 2021

Fred Gwynne

Thank you so much for posting this delightful tribute to Fred Gwynne. I always loved this man's work, and was astonished to discover that many of his books (such as "The King who Rained" and "A Chocolate Moose for Dinner") were favorites in our home when my children were young - and I somehow never made the connection.

(The King Who Rained)

(A Chocolate Moose for Dinner)

Fred's early work included a stint at the Brattle Theater Company, about the same time as my parents did; who knows if they might have crossed paths that early?

An even closer connection took place when my father acted in "Herman Munster, Shutterbug:"

Joe De Santis, far left.

I don't recall anything particular my father may have said about Fred Gwynne - I wish now I had been aware enough at the time to question him more deeply about his experiences with other stars - but I do recall that he got angry when thinking about Toody in Car 54; he thought the "Ooh! Ooh!" gag was irritating and that the character was stupid.

I'm sorry I never had a chance to meet Fred, but this documentary about his life was most enlightening.

-Chris De Santis 


