Sunday, December 27, 2020

Jazz Pickle vs Surveillance Pickle

A reader wrote asking if there is a link between or any homage to the BIZARRO "Jazz Pickle" and the FROG APPLAUSE "Surveillance Pickle."

There is no link, whatsoever, dear reader. Honestly, I just heard of the term "Jazz Pickle" for the first time today.

According to research by FROG APPLAUSE reader
Mother Thalweg, Rotifer's mother, the first reference to a "Surveillance Pickle" in FROG APPLAUSE was found here,

(See Mother Thalweg's TOP TEN list here.)

whereas, Bizarro's term "Jazz Pickle" first seems to appear below, in 2012.

Answer: Apparently, "Surveillance Pickle" predates "Jazz Pickle" by two full years. Case closed. (I welcome any disputed history of the term "Jazz Pickle.")


Target practice mother
