AA - rough, cindery lava |
AB - abdominal muscle |
AD - advertisement |
AE - one |
AG - pertaining to agriculture |
AH - expresses delight |
AI - three-toed sloth |
AL - an East Indian tree |
AM - form of "to be" |
AN - indefinite article |
AR - the letter "R" |
AS - to the same degree |
AT - in the position of |
AW - expresses protest |
AX - cutting tool |
AY - affirmative vote |
BA - eternal soul, Egyptian mythology |
BE - to exist |
BI - a bisexual |
BO - beau; pal |
BY - go past; skip turn |
CH - dialect form of I |
DA - a heavy Burmese knife |
DE - of; from - used in names |
DI - god |
DO - a tone of the scale |
EA - a river |
ED - pertaining to education |
EE - an eye |
EF - the letter "F" |
EH - expresses doubt |
EL - elevated railroad |
EM - unit of measurement |
EN - the letter "N" |
ER - expresses hesitation |
ES - the letter "S" |
ET - a past tense of eat |
EX - former spouse |
FA - a tone of the scale |
FE - a Hebrew letter |
FY - used to express disapproval |
GI - a judo costume |
GO - to move along |
GU - an old Shetland viol |
HA - sound of surprise |
HE - male person |
HI - used as a greeting |
HM - expresses consideration |
HO - expresses surprise |
ID - part of the psyche |
IF - a possibility |
IN - to harvest |
IO - a cry of joy |
IS - form of "to be" |
IT - neuter pronoun |
JA - yes |
JO - sweetheart |
KA - spiritual self |
KI - inner strength, life energy |
KO - a Maori digging-stick |
KY - a private Korean-American banking club |
LA - tone of the scale |
LI - a Chinese unit of distance |
LO - expresses surprise |
MA - mother |
ME - personal pronoun |
MI - tone of the scale |
MM - expresses assent |
MO - a moment |
MU - a Greek letter |
MY - possessive pronoun |
NA - no; not |
NE - born with the name of |
NO - a negative reply |
NU - a Greek letter |
NY - to approach |
OB - an objection |
OD - a hypothetical force |
OE - Faeroe Islands whirlwind |
OF - coming from |
OH - to exclaim in surprise |
OI - used to express dismay or pain |
OM - a mantra |
ON - opposite of off |
OO - the dense, soft hair forming the coat of certain mammals |
OP - a style of abstract art |
OR - the heraldic color gold |
OU - expressing concession |
OS - a bone |
OW - expresses pain |
OX - a clumsy person |
OY - expresses dismay |
PA - father |
PE - a Hebrew letter |
PI - a Greek letter |
PO - a chamberpot |
QI - circulating tdfe energy |
RE - a tone of the scale |
SH - urges silence |
SI - ti (a tone of the scale) |
SO - sol (a tone of the scale) |
ST - hush |
TA - expression of gratitude |
TE - the note below doh |
TI - a tone of the scale |
TO - in the direction of |
UG - to arouse loathing in |
UH - expresses hesitation |
UM - indicates hesitation |
UN - one |
UP - to raise |
UR - expressing hesitation |
US - personal pronoun |
UT - musical tone |
WE - pronoun |
WO - woe |
XI - a Greek letter |
XU - monetary unit of Vietnam |
YA - you |
YE - you |
YU - a precious jade |
YO - used to call attention |
ZA - slang for pizza |
ZO - a cross between a yak and a cow #FB00883 |
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Two-letter words
Cough syrup
Hemp seed is just as nutritious as sunflower seed and is much more resistant to insect pests. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James...
Founding GoCreator Members: (8) Teresa Burritt ( Frog Applause ) GoCreator founder, organizer, member recruitment https://www.gocomics.c...