AA - rough, cindery lava |
AB - abdominal muscle |
AD - advertisement |
AE - one |
AG - pertaining to agriculture |
AH - expresses delight |
AI - three-toed sloth |
AL - an East Indian tree |
AM - form of "to be" |
AN - indefinite article |
AR - the letter "R" |
AS - to the same degree |
AT - in the position of |
AW - expresses protest |
AX - cutting tool |
AY - affirmative vote |
BA - eternal soul, Egyptian mythology |
BE - to exist |
BI - a bisexual |
BO - beau; pal |
BY - go past; skip turn |
CH - dialect form of I |
DA - a heavy Burmese knife |
DE - of; from - used in names |
DI - god |
DO - a tone of the scale |
EA - a river |
ED - pertaining to education |
EE - an eye |
EF - the letter "F" |
EH - expresses doubt |
EL - elevated railroad |
EM - unit of measurement |
EN - the letter "N" |
ER - expresses hesitation |
ES - the letter "S" |
ET - a past tense of eat |
EX - former spouse |
FA - a tone of the scale |
FE - a Hebrew letter |
FY - used to express disapproval |
GI - a judo costume |
GO - to move along |
GU - an old Shetland viol |
HA - sound of surprise |
HE - male person |
HI - used as a greeting |
HM - expresses consideration |
HO - expresses surprise |
ID - part of the psyche |
IF - a possibility |
IN - to harvest |
IO - a cry of joy |
IS - form of "to be" |
IT - neuter pronoun |
JA - yes |
JO - sweetheart |
KA - spiritual self |
KI - inner strength, life energy |
KO - a Maori digging-stick |
KY - a private Korean-American banking club |
LA - tone of the scale |
LI - a Chinese unit of distance |
LO - expresses surprise |
MA - mother |
ME - personal pronoun |
MI - tone of the scale |
MM - expresses assent |
MO - a moment |
MU - a Greek letter |
MY - possessive pronoun |
NA - no; not |
NE - born with the name of |
NO - a negative reply |
NU - a Greek letter |
NY - to approach |
OB - an objection |
OD - a hypothetical force |
OE - Faeroe Islands whirlwind |
OF - coming from |
OH - to exclaim in surprise |
OI - used to express dismay or pain |
OM - a mantra |
ON - opposite of off |
OO - the dense, soft hair forming the coat of certain mammals |
OP - a style of abstract art |
OR - the heraldic color gold |
OU - expressing concession |
OS - a bone |
OW - expresses pain |
OX - a clumsy person |
OY - expresses dismay |
PA - father |
PE - a Hebrew letter |
PI - a Greek letter |
PO - a chamberpot |
QI - circulating tdfe energy |
RE - a tone of the scale |
SH - urges silence |
SI - ti (a tone of the scale) |
SO - sol (a tone of the scale) |
ST - hush |
TA - expression of gratitude |
TE - the note below doh |
TI - a tone of the scale |
TO - in the direction of |
UG - to arouse loathing in |
UH - expresses hesitation |
UM - indicates hesitation |
UN - one |
UP - to raise |
UR - expressing hesitation |
US - personal pronoun |
UT - musical tone |
WE - pronoun |
WO - woe |
XI - a Greek letter |
XU - monetary unit of Vietnam |
YA - you |
YE - you |
YU - a precious jade |
YO - used to call attention |
ZA - slang for pizza |
ZO - a cross between a yak and a cow #FB00883 |
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Two-letter words
Target practice mother
Hemp seed is just as nutritious as sunflower seed and is much more resistant to insect pests. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James...
Founding GoCreator Members: (8) Teresa Burritt ( Frog Applause ) GoCreator founder, organizer, member recruitment https://www.gocomics.c...