Sunday, August 13, 2023

You are not funny!!! I'm done...

Oldies, but goodies. If you find any similar comments in the FA archives, I'd love to have a link where you found one/them. 

I see our old friend SackofRabidWeasels was active back then, too. As all my readers know (and we all know your identity and that you are the co-creator of a comic still appearing on GoComics; what a jerk you are. I wonder if your creative partner knows all the appalling crap you've been up to for all these years. My guess is "no". He'd probably be too humiliated if he found out all the shady stuff you've been up to in order to boost your inflated ego.)

I love that the late and much-loved margueritum is still with us, if only via my archives. She was an amazing and lovely person. Marguerite once sent me some petrified dinosaur dung. That was the wonderful kind of person she was! I still miss her.


Target practice mother
