Sunday, July 30, 2023

These people don't know jack...

It's good to know that I still have a thriving community of haters. I was starting to get complacent!

The level of paranoia that something has to be or seems suggestive here is always laughable from these people. Yes, I said "these people." WTH is an internal contradiction? I need examples...and ones that make sense.

Finally! They aren't suggestive, just hopelessly disjointed and/or surreal. Thank you, Kilby person, for clarifying this.

Next, though, the comment escalates to irritated reader reactions (where exactly are these irritated reactions, on my FA page?) and then ultimately to counterattacks on my readers. Wow. Just wow. Does this mean that I'm a guerrilla cartoonist? Cool.

Do tell, Dana K. You have such amazing comics-reading skills. Do you read minds, too?

Again, with the.... I don't get why this is supposed to even be funny.  Who said it was, Donny Osmond? There are plenty of comics out there that are supposed to be funny, I guess. Read those. Don't hurt yourself with FA. It's just not worth your hopeless frustration and torment.

Kilby is a piece of work. So much to say, so few worthy words to share. Amusement value? Making veiled references to oh-no stuff? The only truism here is that few teenagers probably read the comics, so, yes, that would no doubt include FA. Thanks for that demographic breakdown. You're dismissed now. You bore the heaven-forbid out of me.

Okay. So, what's the comment here?

I'm so relieved to have Kilby on duty as a FA historian so we will all be on the same page about what a classic "Frog Applause" is (I hate typos myself, so who cares about that?)

It's cute how Kilby tries to get all polite and respectful by calling me Ms. Burritt and then proceeds to surmise that I am creating "these things" (GoComics should consider changing their name to GoTheseThings) solely for my own amusement and that I don't care in the slightest whether any person on the planet understands what I am doing.  

There is so much to enjoy in that last statement. I didn't realize that I had readers all over the planet. What about other planets? That would be even better! It's imperative for everyone on the planet to understand my comics and what I am doing. It almost sounds like a comics audit of sorts, and a legal directive that I am required to make my comic understandable to comics enforcement officers like these ding-dongs.

To the substantial claque where I get my uncritical support from: Continue to "perform" for each other on my FA page. 

Regarding Frog Blog (which does not allow comments), keep up your performances floridly.


Keep your comments coming, Kilby and others. Too bad you keep rehashing the same piffle. It's getting a little boring, frankly. Come up with some new material, please.

Somebody appears a little butthurt. Suddenly, I'm an "artist" in quotes. Is that supposed to be a cowardly swipe at me? I'm motivated by hate? How, because I respond to it? I don't need any "humane" solutions from this guy. Rip off the Band-aid®, Kilby. Not everyone is as delicate as you seem to be. "I will never read or comment upon anything she creates ever again!" (How old are you? Ten? Twelve? Better take your nerfball and go home when you'll be safe from the wooly wiles of FA. 

Goodbye, Kilby. "Frog Applause" will get along just fine without you, but I doubt you'll stay away. You seem to enjoy exhibiting your melodramatic outrage too much. Silly, wabbit. Trix are for kids.

Target practice mother
