Saturday, July 8, 2023

Gone all-out... (?)

I find it odd that people who don't seriously follow "Frog Applause," have something to say about what I think about or how I seem to treat my readers. They don't have a clue about me or how devoted I am to those of you who visit my FA page regularly, leave comments, and who exchange emails with me. I've known many of you for years... Who is this Kilby person anyway? You can't take a Garfield measuring stick and try to measure FA with it. Also, why is it assumed that any little outburst is directed toward actual readers? When I use you (second-person plural) I'm not directing my comment(s) at anyone in particular.  It's not necessary to understand a comic to follow it. Maybe there's nothing to understand; how about that?  I have no expectations of anyone. Each installment of FA is what it is. I make no demands of my readers. I shouldn't even bother posting clueless comments like this.


