Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Malindi cult

The Good News International Ministries (GNIM), commonly known as the Malindi cult and previously as the Servant P. N. Mackenzie Ministries, is a new religious movement based in Shakahola, Kilifi, Kenya, that was founded by Paul Nthenge Mackenzie and his first wife in 2003.

The group attracted international attention in April 2023 when it was revealed that Mackenzie had allegedly instructed members to starve themselves en masse to "meet Jesus", resulting in the deaths of at least 110 people. The group, often described as a cult, is adamantly anti-Western, with amenities such as health care, education, and sports being dismissed as "evils of western life" and with Mackenzie condemning the United States, the United Nations, and the Catholic Church as "tools of Satan". The group also devotes much of its teachings to the end times. They purport to be followers of the End-Time Message of William Branham. Homicide detectives working the case said the group was radicalized by Branham's teachings, leading to their deaths.

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