Monday, May 22, 2023

How long does weed stay in your system?

As of July 2022, 19 of the 50 states in the United States had legalized marijuana, with the other 31 ranging from mixed legality to full illegality, according to States like Idaho, Wyoming and South Carolina keep weed fully illegal, with criminal charges and zero medicinal use. California, New York and Michigan have completely legalized cannabis, along with decriminalizing it and enabling medicinal use.

New and veteran users may be wondering when it’s okay to drive or take a drug test after ingesting the drug by smoking or eating.

How long does weed stay in your system?

After weed enters your system, it can take between one to three hours to feel the complete effects and another one to three hours for those effects to wear off, according to Healthline. American Addiction Centers says, when eaten, the effects of weed edibles can last for multiple hours. Weed can be detected in your body for far longer after its effects wear off.

Read more here.

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