Sunday, May 21, 2023

Help, please...


Despite the appearance of randomness, I actually do think about and often spend an inordinate amount of time trying to come up with the right word or words for "Frog Applause." Overmulling, if it's even a word,  probably best describes my word-choice process.

I'm stuck on the cartoon above. I've looked through several thesauruses, and I'm still not satisfied.  See the last panel? I want a word that means intolerable to the highest degree. It doesn't have to be just one word. It could be more, as long as it has the meaning I'm after The whole word balloon can be rewritten as well.

If you're a reader who has my REAL email address, kindly write to me there. For others, write to me at the account Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr set up for me to screen out readers with unknown or nefarious intentions. (For those of you who remember, I had a problem with several weirdos back in the day.) My burner address is roguebrain at aol.

Time is of the essence...


Don't touch...
