Thursday, April 20, 2023

Et ux v. et vir


Et uxor is a Latin phrase meaning "and wife", commonly abbreviated et ux." The term is a legal phrase that is used in lieu of naming the female spouse of a male party to litigation, for example Loving et ux. v. Virginia. The term remains in contemporary use in American legal documents, especially as related to property and marriage. Many older property deeds list the owners in the form "John Smith et ux", but in the present day most jurisdictions would indicate both the husband and the wife by name.

Et vir is a Latin phrase meaning "and husband". It is used in legal literature to indicate a couple comprising an identified woman and her otherwise unidentified husband. The U.S. Supreme Court case Troxel et vir v. Granville is an example of modern legal usage of the Latin phrase. Additionally, many property deeds would list the owners in the form "Jane Doe et vir" when appropriate.


Target practice mother
