Sunday, January 1, 2023

Prosthetic fingers

My father lost three of his fingers in 1994.

It was cold that morning in the field, but the hard work was done for the year and all that was left was to load some seed into the truck.

He reached into the auger to get a sample for the elevator agent and the machine grabbed the collar of his glove. The auger took his index finger, middle finger, the end of his ring finger, and the glove.

He told me that in hind site, that was the easy part.

The hard part was the aftermath of what severe trauma like that can cause: Shame, depression, the fact that you have been mutilated for life.

There is a serious lack of options in the world for when the injury has healed and you’re just trying to get on with life.

After years of struggling with artificial-looking and expensive prosthetics, my dad had an idea.

He took the problem into his own broken hands. He designed an enhanced ring that would cover the injury and allow for some functionality. 

Right away, he noticed the burning and tingling phantom pain he felt in his fingers had vanished. 

Minutes later, he realised these rings looked incredible on his hand.

His anxiety and depression began to fade. He could work again. People would stop him in the street and ask where he got them because they had a brother, sister, aunt or uncle, that was living with the same affliction. 

He was a new man. But now he had to help...

Read more here.


Target practice mother
