Saturday, December 10, 2022

Getting caught

Date of ad unknown

Getting caught with a marijuana plant in your home can land you in jail for several years with a felony conviction.

Marijuana smokers are no longer arrested in eight states. The U.S. Congress and many other states are considering similar reforms.

But growing any amount of marijuana remains a serious crime in most states and under federal law. It means that 15 million regular smokers are forced to support an illicit market.

This doesn't make sense to us.

Smokers should be permitted to grow their own marijuana.

Cultivation for personal use should be decriminalized. A proposal to do just that is pending in California and will soon be introduced in Oregon.

Write your state and federal elected representatives. Tell them you support decriminalizing private marijuana cultivation for personal use.

Help make the new marijuana laws come out right side up.


Money is needed to finish the job once and for all.



Target practice mother
