Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Scrotal necrosis

Doctors in the Netherlands have recorded the first known case of "scrotal necrosis" after a highly venomous snouted cobra bit a man on the testicles while he was sitting down to use the bathroom.


A 47-year-old man received a snouted cobra (Naja annuliferasnake bite to his genitals while on holiday in South Africa. His penis and scrotum were noted to be swollen, deep purple in color, and painful on hospital admission. Scrotal necrosis was diagnosed, and he received multiple doses of a non-specific snake venom antiserum and broad-spectrum antibiotics. Although no neurological sequelae developed, he did require hemodialysis due to acute kidney injury. After stabilizing, he was repatriated to the Netherlands for further treatment and has since made a full recovery.

Read more here. Be prepared for graphic photos of the injury.


Target practice mother
