“If a friend or coworker told me that they were not going to vote in the election, I would ask them why. Ultimately, I would try to convince them to vote. However, the key to the conversation is understanding their motivation to not vote. Is it because they are worried about getting sick at the polls? Let’s discuss safety measures. Is it because they don’t understand how to fill out an absentee ballot? Let me show you how. Is it because they don’t think their vote counts? Then let’s talk about how much it does and how important it is to exercise this right that many in the world don’t have, and that so many in our country fought and died to obtain for every American citizen. Politics aside, whatever the reason you don’t want to vote, let’s have a discussion about it, because we should not take this right for granted. Every voice has a right to be heard; that is what our country was founded on.”
— Angela, 36, Columbus, OH

Harvard Business Review, October 2020

Frog Blog Reader: How would you respond to someone who has decided not to vote?
