Danny Shanahan, 64, was arrested Wednesday at his home in Rhinebeck, New York, state police said in a news release. He was ordered to appear in court on January 20, 2021 on a charge of possession of a sexual performance by a child, a class E felony. Story here.
Monday, December 14, 2020
New Yorker cartoonist arrested for possession of child pornography
Danny Shanahan, 64, was arrested Wednesday at his home in Rhinebeck, New York, state police said in a news release. He was ordered to appear in court on January 20, 2021 on a charge of possession of a sexual performance by a child, a class E felony. Story here.
Target practice mother
Hemp seed is just as nutritious as sunflower seed and is much more resistant to insect pests. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James...
Founding GoCreator Members: (8) Teresa Burritt ( Frog Applause ) GoCreator founder, organizer, member recruitment https://www.gocomics.c...