Thursday, December 17, 2020

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

This photo has been sitting on the desk in our laundry room for a year or so and I’m not exactly certain of its provenance. My best guess is that it’s me, taken about 1969 or ’70, when my family was visiting my mom’s relatives in Massachusetts. However, I’m not sure I could ever have then, or even now, composed my face into such a grim and serious visage (see detail):

Plus, at that age,  whenever I was in the cold, my cheeks were a flaming red (well, pink). So, as I said, I’m not entirely certain. Also, I’m pretty sure the snowperson’s top hat isn’t a real top hat.

My own mom had a couple bad days this week. Disoriented and much worse, anxious: not knowing where she was but not wanting to be there (here) but also not knowing where she wanted to be. It’s hard not being able to help her when she gets like that.

Anyway, we’ll have a quiet holiday. My dad has been ordering seasonal treats from several catalogs, so we’ve been snacking non-stop since Thanksgiving, basically. He said a few days ago that we’ll celebrate Solstice this year, which is an unforeshadowed first; not that we’ve ever been particularly religious, we’ve just always had whatever festivities on the 25th. I guess I should get the tree and lights up if we’re doing it on Solstice. When is that this year, anyway?

My son will be home the 22nd from his Speech Therapy internship in Alaska, of all places. Not the best time to be traveling, but I admire his fortitude in finding a school district that was willing to bring in interns during the pandemic. He has certainly learned a lot about doing speech therapy sessions online this year.

He may be here for a couple days before he goes back to his mom’s. I’m not sure where we’ll put him. Before it started raining we set up a bed for him under the wisteria when he has visited over the last few months, but now it is not so clement. Maybe I’ll go to the Army-Navy store and get him a tent.

I could go on. If you'd like to hear someone else’s ramblings once in a while, let me know.—D.G.


Target practice mother
