Thursday, November 26, 2020
Victor David Brenner and his Lincoln cent
For many, the “VDB” initials are an important if faceless feature on the Lincoln cent. But there is a face behind the “VDB” and the man to whom those letters belong. His name is Victor David Brenner, a celebrated medalist and sculptor. Victor David Brenner was born on June 12, 1871 in Šiauliai, Lithuania. Brenner moved to America in 1890 at the age of 19, and lived in New York City. At a young age, Victor's father had taught him the skills for gem and seal engraving along with sculpting. After he moved to America, those were the skills that helped him get by.
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Hemp seed is just as nutritious as sunflower seed and is much more resistant to insect pests. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James...
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