Saturday, October 10, 2020

Steve Melvin

 Have you ever found out that someone you used to know (even if only an acquaintance) died, but you didn't know it, so it seems like they just died. It's a strange feeling. Steve Melvin, is/was that someone for me. I will always be grateful to Steve for his patience and kindness when I was just starting out at GoComics and didn't even know how to create a gif. Steve patiently guided me through several technical requirements, things that surely seemed obvious to him but were foreign to me. I remember being so taken with Steve's quiet, patient ways that I wrote a long, impassioned letter to the co-founder and past president of Andrews McMeel Universal, John McMeel. I told him all about Steve and how kindly he treated clueless creators like me. I remember John McMeel writing back to me, obviously pleased that I thought enough about Steve to take the time to write about him.   

This wasn't the first time that I've written to a higher-up about something an employee was doing right. People don't hesitate to write letters of complaint, but when is the last time you took the time to write a letter of praise?

Which reminds me, here's someone else, Carl Ferrara, who helped me many times as well.

Enjoy these classic letters of complaint posted by a favorite of mine, Jeff Kay. (I've used quotes by Jeff in my cartoons over the years.)


