Thursday, October 8, 2020

Returning to my roots

OK, so maybe the answer was returning to my roots. This lame site is where the original FROG BLOG was born. Nothing fancy. A blank white page. Its simplicity suits me. It makes sense to me. I'm happy with what I see here (or rather with what I don't see here-- which are brightly-colored and neatly-arranged frames and icons that someone else created.) I can already envision my new home here. I think what tripped me up with Wordpress and Wix is that I was trying to create something that was inherently not me, and I was trying to do it with commerically slick furnishings that didn't appeal to my MSL (minimalistic style of lameness.)

If you are trying to leave a comment, stop trying. As before, comments have been disabled. This is not a member-only blog, and it will never be one. It is open to anyone who cares to visit. If you wish to make a comment, you may do so by visiting my comic strip at Welcome to the new FROG BLOG.


The Rat Children of India

Hundreds of young children are being exploited because of an ancient fertility tradition that leaves many children deformed and sold into be...