Saturday, April 30, 2022

Brachiosaurus vomit

Thanks to Randy for finding a clearer image of the post above.


Can you spot the mistake?

I've made my share of typos in "Frog Applause," but this one would crush me. 


Can't find it? Perhaps this link will help. (Made small and blackened out on purpose)

Wolf collars

A wolf collar (also known in Italian as: roccale or vreccale, Spanish: carlanca) is a type of dog collar designed to protect livestock guardian dogs from attack by wolves. Wolf collars are fitted with elongated spikes. The purpose of the collar is to protect a dog's neck when it has to fight off wolves. The collar base protects the dog's throat and carotid arteries, while the spikes are intended to deter bites to the neck or even injure wolves trying to do so. Such collars are used by shepherds in many countries including Italy, Spain and Turkey.

A roccale or vreccale, a spiked iron dog collar in Lazio, Italy.


How to make pineapple vinegar


Which salt to use for fermentation

 Here is a list of the do’s and don’ts of using salt in fermentation.


Refined Table Salt is the most common type of salt used in the American diet. It’s 97% sodium chloride and all the trace minerals have been removed from it. Anti-caking agents are added to table salt to keep it from clumping and most contain iodine.  Don’t use table salt in your ferments. The chemicals and use of iodine can inhibit the fermentation process and lead to salty tasting fermented vegetables or sauerkraut.

Kosher Salt is a course salt and similar to table salt in that it’s refined and some contain anti-caking agents. If you use kosher salt, it will make  your fermented vegetables taste too salty. I don’t recommend using kosher salt.

Pickling Salt is a refined salt with no additives. Although it’s free of additives I still avoid it, because its refined.


Sea Salt is made from evaporated salt water and therefore has more trace minerals and less sodium than table salt. Even some sea salts can be refined and stripped of their mineral content. I recommend using a mineral rich unrefined sea salt, such as Celtic Sea Salt in your ferments. Salts like this contain many trace minerals.

Mineral rich salt mined from ancient sea beds like pink himalayan salt from Pakistan contain many beneficial trace minerals. I highly recommend these types of salts, because they are rich in minerals and taste great.

The salt you use can change the flavor of your fermented vegetables and sauerkraut. Salts depleted of their minerals and that are high in sodium chloride like table salt, have a harsher salty flavor, while mineral rich sea salts have a more mild salty flavor and can taste slightly sweet.

I challenge you to do a side-by-side salt tasting to see if you can tell the difference between the different types of salts. You’ll be surprised of the difference. And I challenge you to use unrefined mineral rich salt in your next fermentation to boost flavor and nutrients.


Monday, April 25, 2022

Crystal Cave

I found this video on my talented friends Nighthawks/Stelbel's Cleo and Company website. Stop by! I intend to as often as possible.


Saturday, April 23, 2022

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Some of my favorite scambaiters

Scam baiting is a form of internet vigilantism used towards scammers.

Scambaiters pose as a potential victim to the scammers to waste their time and resources.

Scambaiters will call up known scam phone numbers, using secure methods and tools to protect themselves, while trying to play the role of someone who may be an easy target for these scammers.

The most respected scambaiter around. Jim Browning is a legend among other scambaiters. (I mentioned him in a past FA.)

Kitboga. A scambaiter who is popular for his theatrical and time-wasting talents.

Pierogi. Cybersecurity specialist by day, internet vigilante by night. 

Trilogy Media confronts mules, tries to reimburse victims, etc. 



Other scambaiters:

(Known for deleting scammer files, locking scammers out of their own computers (syskeying).
This scambaiter likes to use "bad words" in Hindi.


Although it may look like fun to be a scambaiter,  it can be dangerous to engage with scammers.

Scambaiters use virtual machines to protect their computer systems, etc. They are often experts in computer technology and related fields.


Damjan Lukić (dog groomer from Novi Sad, Serbia)


Big Iron

To the town of Agua Fria, rode a stranger one fine day
Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn't have too much to say
No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip
For the stranger there among 'em had a big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip
It was early in the mornin' when he rode into town
He came ridin' from the south side, slowly lookin' all around
"He's an outlaw, loose and runnin'", came a whisper from each lip
"He's here to do some business with the big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip"
In this town there lived an outlaw by the name of Texas Red
Many men had tried to take him and that many men were dead
He was vicious and a killer, though a youth of twenty-four
And the notches on his pistol numbered one and nineteen more
One and nineteen more
Now the stranger started talkin', made it plain to folks around
Was an Arizonia ranger, wouldn't be too long in town
He came there to take an outlaw back alive or maybe dead
Said it didn't matter, he was after Texas Red, after Texas Red
Wasn't long before this story was relayed to Texas Red
But the outlaw didn't worry, men that tried before were dead
Twenty men had tried to take him, twenty men had made a slip
Twenty-one would be the ranger with the big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip
The mornin' past so quickly, it was time for them to meet
It was twenty past eleven when they walked out in the street
Folks were watchin' from their windows, every body held their breath
They knew this handsome ranger was about to meet his death
About to meet his death
There was forty feet between them when they stopped to make their play
And the swiftness of the Ranger is still talked about today
Texas Red had not cleared leather for a bullet fairly ripped
And the ranger's aim was deadly, with the big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip
It was over in a moment and the folks had gathered 'round
There before them lay the body of the outlaw on the ground
Oh, he might have gone on livin' but he made one fatal slip
When he tried to match the ranger with the big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip
Big iron, big iron
When he tried to match the ranger with the big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip

To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day
Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn't have too much to say
No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip
For the stranger there among them had a big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip

It was early in the morning when he rode into the town
He came ridin' from the south side, slowly lookin' all around
He's an outlaw loose and running, came the whisper from each lip
And he's here to do some business with the big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip

In this town there lived an outlaw by the name of Texas Red
Many men had tried to take him and that many men were dead
He was vicious and a killer, though a youth of twenty-four
And the notches on his pistol numbered one and nineteen more
One and nineteen more

Now the stranger started talking, made it plain to folks around
He was an Arizona Ranger, wouldn't be too long in town
He came here to take an outlaw back alive or maybe dead
And he said it didn't matter, he was after Texas Red
After Texas Red

The morning passed so quickly, it was time for them to meet
It was twenty past eleven when they walked out in the street
Folks were watching from their windows, everybody held their breath
They knew this handsome ranger was about to meet his death
Was about to meet his death

There was forty feet between them when they stopped to make their play
And the swiftness of the ranger is still talked about today
Texas Red had not cleared leather when a bullet fairly ripped
And the ranger's aim was deadly with the big iron on his hip
The big iron on his hip

Big iron, big iron
When he tried to match the ranger with the big iron on his hip
The big iron on his hip 


Robot bowling

 Thanks, Pete!


Monday, April 18, 2022

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Wrecked luxury cars

Thanks to reader Pete for sending in this site:

Do you have any favorites among these crashes?


Saturday, April 16, 2022

Luxury cars

Cars below in random order.



Baby celebrity photos

Clark Gable Gary Cooper John Wayne Humphrey Bogart Gregory Peck Cary Grant Jimmy Stewart #FB00908